

过去的一年, 约瑟夫·福伊, 博士学位, 担任阿尔维诺的临时总统, 有目的的领导, 体贴,最重要的是, 谦卑.

Foy was named vice president for Academic Affairs in the spring of 2020, beginning his appointment just weeks after the coronavirus pandemic forced the College to rethink how it could safely deliver its curriculum in the engaged, attentive manner that is one of the hallmarks of an 澳门水利博彩官方网站 education. 最初的几个月充满挑战, Foy navigated the upheaval with principled leadership and careful consideration, resolving to meet the needs of students and faculty alike.

他还领导了向面对面学习的转变, balancing the precautions necessary to ensure everyone’s safety with the need to reintroduce a sense of community.

It was because of his steadfast leadership through these unimaginable challenges that he was asked to serve as interim president while a national search to identify 澳门水利博彩官方网站’s ninth president was conducted. 现在, as he prepares to begin his appointment as the 13th president of Benedictine University in Lisle, 生病了., Foy leaves a legacy of kindness, collaboration and dedicated service.


在约瑟夫·福伊的领导下, 澳门水利博彩官方网站 realized the following student- and mission-centered initiatives throughout the past year:

  • 启动科尔澳门水利博彩官方网站项目, 最终获得了5美元,向五名商科学生提供五千元奖学金, 通信或STEM领域.
  • 与Outlier合作.org to make the transfer student experience as seamless as possible by recognizing the work they’ve completed and keeping them on track for graduation.
  • Releasing the Wisconsin Women in Public Life — Elected Officials report, 让公众了解担任公职的女性, 他们取得成功的各种途径, and the challenges they overcame while running for office.
  • 庆祝温室的盛大开幕, which offers students an opportunity to engage in hands-on learning, 参与研究项目, 并在食品领域探索新的职业道路, 都市农业, 水的研究, 环境保护和人类服务行业.
  • 确保$2.89 million grant to increase the number of highly trained, 双语, and racially and ethnically diverse school-based mental health professionals.
  • 收到360美元,000 grant to help offset the costs of on-campus child care for undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate exceptional financial need.


Joe is a deeply appreciated member of the 澳门水利博彩官方网站 community who has led us through the incredible challenge of the pandemic and leadership transitions. His care for our students, 澳门水利博彩官方网站's curriculum, and the values of the School Sisters of St. 弗朗西斯所做的一切都很明显. While I am personally saddened to see Joe leave our community, I am truly excited for our friend and mentor to be given the opportunity to fully extend his leadership at an excellent institution like Benedictine.”

乔迪•Eastberg, acting vice president of Academic Affairs and dean of the School of Professional and Graduate Studies

"Dr. 乔·福伊是一位出色的临时总统 whose unwavering kindness and compassion for everyone at the college was a continual beacon of light through the uncertain times of the COVID-19 pandemic, 当他开始在阿尔弗诺学习的时候. Joe has pushed the school culture to a more transparent, collaborative and inclusive workplace. He has been incredibly accessible and responsive while working to hear and meet the individual and collective needs of 澳门水利博彩官方网站. He has been inspirational through his well-written and engaging speeches, his emails (which always read as a story with an engaging metaphor or historical context), 他很友好, 当他与每个人互动时,平易近人的举止, all while making them feel like they have his undivided attention. It has been a pleasure and honor serving 澳门水利博彩官方网站 with Joe.”

-Thor Stolen, 博士学位, past president of the faculty senate

Dr. 福伊是阿尔弗诺任务的守护者. He leads with intellectual brilliance coupled with his forward-thinking approach to vision. His expression of humanity is evident in his ability to listen, clarify and digest any content. His support of my leadership and visionary approach were vital in the strategic path forward for Career Studio.”

-Cheryl Moore, 博士学位, executive director of Career Development

Joe Foy was instrumental in holding space for the tough conversations that 澳门水利博彩官方网站 College needed to have around many of our pressing needs and considerations around diversity, 公平和包容实践. 和乔一起担任DEI的联合主任, we connected with different audiences from students to the Board, 工作人员, and faculty and it was evident that Joe possesses a level of patience and kindness, allowing everyone with a connection to 澳门水利博彩官方网站 to see themselves in this work. I have learned from Joe a deeper understanding of a beloved community in a time of uncertainty.”

——alexis Outlaw, 09级,招生部副主任




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